User Experience is all about the satisfaction and experience of your users, when they are using your product. In general, the goodness of website depends on its UX: which type of experience people get when they visit the website. Every little thing matters in UX, because every design step that you implement affects the experience of users, starting from the content ending with the font size that you use. So, to give you some understanding of how you should create your website to attract people, here are some efficient UX techniques for intelligent websites.
There are many things you should take into account when creating your homepage. Your homepage is the first thing that people see, so it must include the main purpose of your website. When creating your homepage, remember that placement of things is very important. Everything should be placed on the homepage according to their importance. For example, the most important information should be placed on the top.
Other pages
Think about what are the main messages that you would like to give your users and place them in all the pages of your website. These messages can be for examples the header content, navigation, social media icons and so on. For example, if you have a business website, make sure to add your telephone numbers in all the pages, in order to make it easy for users to find more information about you.
Readability of your website
Text is one of the most important part of your website, it can be the reason why people enter or leave your website. So, you should be very cautious in designing your text. Researches show that on average people read no more than about 30% percent of the text on a website, which means that readability is really very important. So, you should keep in mind these few points, in
order to provide a great readability.
- Don’t overtext: Try to give much information with small text. It means that you should now overtext and bore your users. Try to use about 50-60 characters in a line, in order to make your text more beautiful.
- Use the right font size: You should make your text large enough to read. This can seem you obvious, but there are many websites who miss this point. The main font size that is used in websites and that is easy readable is Arial 12 or 13.
- Use bullets: Bullets can change everything in your text design. Don’t just put a text and get away. Try to use bullets, in order to separate important information and in order to help users understand it better.
- Use italics and underline words in the right places: Text that is written in italics is much more difficult to read and the same concerns to the underlined words as well. In addition, do not underline those words which are not links. The reason is that when we see something underlined, we think that it’s a link. So, use italics and underlines in the right places in order to not confuse users
In websites there can be internal and external links. Internal links lead users to the pages inside the website and external ones lead them to other websites. It is very important to use these links in the right way. For example, when you put an internal link, make sure that it does not open a new browser tab, but instead it remains in the same tab, where user is. However, when you use an external one, make sure that it opens in new tab.
Screen size
Another important thing is the screen size. Though, nowadays most of the screens are around 1300 pixels, you should not forget that there are people who still use screens of 1024. So, make sure that your website fits well on all the screens, independent of their resolutions.
So, here are the most important UX techniques, that you should take into account, if you want to be an intelligent website and if you want to create an awesome experience for your users. Do you have any concerns? Please share them with us in the comments below.
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