Photo Credit: www.getmyownapp.com
There are millions of apps in Google Play and Apple App Store. Some of them are just great examples of wonderful and useful apps, some of them are just nothing. If you have in your mind designing an app, that will be as popular as Shazam, WhatsApp or Angry Birds, you should plan your work very carefully. Here are 10 things you should consider before designing an app.
1. How much it will cost?
If you want to design the simplest app with few features, it will cost you minimum $10,000. However if you want add some interesting features and make it an eye-catching one you should have a budget of at least $20,000. In addition, for designing an app, you need to hire a programmer and a designer, who are not cheap as well.
2. What is the purpose of your app?
One of the first questions that you should ask yourself is: What is the purpose of my app and how it will be beneficial to users? For example, do you want to create a fun game, or do you want to create a business/finance app. So, first of all decide which your app will offer to users and remember to keep it simple.
3. Who is your target?
Another important thing to consider is who is your target, who is going to use your app. By finding this out, your work can be done in a simpler way. Determine who are the users: females, males, children, elder people or teenagers. FInd out their interests and lifestyle and it will be much easier for you to understand how to offer them your service.
4. Where your app will be available?
The next thing you should decide is in which platforms your app is going to be available. Decide in which platforms it should be, for example iOS, Android or Windows. It mainly depends on who your customers are and what is the purpose of your app.
5. What will be the price of your app?
This again depends on the purpose of your app and on your target. It does not matter how much you put the price, you should remember that in the beginning, during the launch of your app, you should put it as minimum as possible and then raise it. In addition, you should do some discounts during holidays, in order to keep the interest among your users.
6. What will be your app’s description?
Remember that description is the most important thing that will sell your app. So make sure to put an interesting and eye-catching one. You should write the most important features of your app and highlight the benefits that your customers will get. In addition, you should add some screenshots in order to show the interface of your app.
7. What will be the design?
You should ask yourself; Is your design responsive? Is the app easy to use for the users? You should decide on the colors, fonts, shapes, graphics and so on. However, if you want to have a premium app, then you should definitely hire a designer.
8. How to make sure that your app is a good one?
One of the most common ways of making sure that your app is a great one is testing. Make sure to test it and make your friends test it before launching it. In this case, you will find the weak sides of your app as a user.
9. Think about the user experience
One of the main things that makes app a successful one is the user experience. Make sure that your app is very simple and that it can be used even by children. Remember that nowadays people avoid complex things and they are attracted to simple things.
10. Make sure to update your time once in a while
If you think that you should design an app and let it run for years, then you are WRONG! You should always do some improvements and make updates on your app. Even the most beautiful, useful and user friendly app needs updates after a period of time.
So, here are the top 10 things you should keep in your mind before getting started in app design. Are there are other important things not mentioned here? Please share them with us in the comments below.
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